Pregnancy and well-being | our advices
How to take care of yourself when you are pregnant?
Pregnancy is a special time in a woman's life. It is obviously synonymous with joy, because you carry life and are going to give birth to your child. It is a unique experience. But the pregnant woman can also encounter certain difficulties related to bodily and psychological upheavals. You may feel tired, stressed, impatient and worried about this new situation. This is why it is important to take care of yourself, your physical and mental health. We give you here our advice to combine pregnancy and well-being.
Body changes during pregnancy
A pregnant woman's body goes through many changes during the nine months of pregnancy. These are largely due to the hormones secreted during this time. Usually present in our body, they have a regulatory function. But in pregnant women, their production, especially of progesterone and estrogen, increases significantly just a few days after conception.
The skin reacts to this hormonal and physical upheaval: sensitive skin, pulling, dull complexion. Indeed, the latter is drier, because it undergoes a water restriction. This causes the future mother to feel tight and itchy. It is therefore essential to provide him with sufficient daily hydration. The first natural source is of course water. Remember to drink frequently and at least 1.5 liters a day. It also goes through your food. During your pregnancy, choose foods from organic farming, grown without chemicals or pesticides, in order to preserve your health and that of your future child. Also moisturize and nourish your skin with healthy and compatible daily care for pregnancy: cream , oils or balms , according to your preferences. This will allow you to relieve the discomfort associated with dry skin. It is also an opportunity to give yourself a moment of well-being by taking care of yourself only.
These changes also cause the production of collagen to decline. It is a protein that ensures, among other things, skin elasticity. However, as your baby develops and your weight increases, the skin stretches. Its extensible capacity being reduced, it cracks and reveals the famous stretch marks. It is impossible to protect yourself completely against these, but optimal hydration and regular massages can limit their formation. Maman Bébé Pioupiou oil contains effective active ingredients to fade and limit the appearance of these white marks.
Finally, the high concentration of pregnancy hormones stimulates the production of melanin. It is a dark pigmentary substance which reacts to sunstroke. It is this phenomenon which is responsible for the appearance of brown spots, also called "mask of pregnancy", in pregnant women who are exposed to the sun. Therefore, avoid direct exposure as much as possible when you are pregnant and protect your skin with sun care products containing a high SPF index (above 30). Preferably choose organic products and natural mineral filters that are more respectful of your health and that of your baby.

photo @torispencerphotography
Pregnancy and well-being: the virtues of massage
Pregnancy is a special time. It's a parenthesis in your life as a woman that you should make the most of. But it is also an intense phase, rich in physical and psychological upheavals. Pregnancy ailments, stress and anxiety related to the arrival of a newborn are not always easy to manage. This is why it is necessary to grant you moments of relaxation. What better way to do that than a good massage ? It's a perfect solution for moms-to-be who need to let go or just want to take care of themselves. This activity brings various benefits:
— It relieves joint and muscle pain due to tension accumulated during pregnancy.
— It calms and relieves cramps, heavy legs, common ailments in pregnant women.
— Massage provides relaxation and well-being, which promotes sleep. The latter being disturbed in the majority of women who are expecting a baby due to hormonal changes and physical symptoms, this virtue is welcome.
— He brings a connection with his child through touch, but also the sound of your voice which can accompany the touch.
— The massage makes it possible to accept and take care of this changing body, and to limit the appearance of stretch marks (as specified above)
Several solutions are available to you to benefit from such care. First, you can go to an institute. A massage is an excellent gift to offer yourself or to be offered during your pregnancy. This will allow you to completely cut off from your daily life and let yourself fully relax. The professionals will be able to give you more information and will be able to advise you on the best gestures and the best methods according to the stage of your pregnancy. We worked with a therapist on a massage protocol adapted to Pioupiou Cosmetics treatments and practiced in certain institutes. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.
Do you prefer to do a well-being treatment at home, in your cocoon? You can practice self-massage. You can thus take care of your face, your chest, your belly or even your legs. Certain acupuncture points are accessible to you and will allow you to calm many pains yourself. Do not hesitate to ask your partner for a massage at home. In addition to bringing you relaxation and well-being, this will give her the opportunity to invest in your pregnancy, but also to talk with your child. These two methods of massage will benefit you not only while you are pregnant, but also during the onset of labor, in order to relieve contractions.
Natural cosmetics at the service of pregnant women
During your pregnancy, you may realize the extraordinary power of your body. It carries life, undergoes many disturbances, participates in the creation of a new being and yet, it knows how to adapt to these great upheavals. You will then surely want to bring him the best.
Natural cosmetics, certified for sensitive skin and labeled organic are to be preferred for pregnant women. They are more respectful of your health and that of your future baby than conventional beauty products.
Choosing the right product is important. Indeed, care must be taken to ensure that the care is as gentle and natural as possible – avoiding toxic substances, overly strong active ingredients such as essential oils, or other controversial ingredients, possibly harmful to the development of the fetus. We are thinking in particular of endocrine disruptors, which are increasingly present in traditional cosmetology. However, the smooth running of your pregnancy and the growth of your child are directly linked to the correct secretion of your hormones. Look for certifications, mentions and claims on the packaging, the product should reassure you.
On the other hand, natural treatments are gentler. However, as we saw above, estrogen and progesterone, produced in greater quantities when you are expecting a baby, weaken your skin. They make it more sensitive and responsive. Organic cosmetics will therefore be more suitable, more effective and more comfortable to apply.
Certainly a natural ingredient, however, you have to be careful with essential oils. Very intense, they are mostly not recommended for pregnant women and young children. Find out before using them and prefer treatments without HE.
Pioupiou offers gentle treatments suitable for the whole family, especially pregnant women. We have selected gentle ingredients to allow use during pregnancy and from birth. Pamper yourself with a massage with Mama Baby Oil ; Nourish your skin deeply with the Soft Balm , and apply a gentle Face Cream daily.

♡ What to remember:
— pregnancy is a special time that you can take advantage of to take care of yourself.
— physical and psychological changes are taking place, which is completely normal.
— your skin suffers the consequences of hormonal changes. Be sure to provide it with optimal hydration by eating a healthy and balanced diet, drinking enough and regularly applying suitable products.
— use and abuse massage. It will give you well-being, rest and relaxation.
— natural and certified organic cosmetic treatments are the most appropriate for you and your baby.
Author: Anne Durdek for Pioupiou Cosmetics